A Better Way to Get What You REALLY Want

Divine Marriage
4 min readJun 2, 2022
Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

“The more clear you are on what you want, the more your subconscious will look for those things.” — Justin Evans, Mentally ALIGNed

Have you ever thought deeply about what you want?

I mean, what do you really…

really, really, really, really, REALLY want.

Because when we consider what we want, most of us immediately follow it with a big ol’ BUT.

I want to write a book, BUT I don’t have the (time, connections, experience, degree, audience, blah, blah, blah).

I want to go back to school, BUT I don’t have (the money, the smarts, the time, the family support, blah, blah, blah).

Thinking About Your Thinking

“Consider: When was the last time you held yourself back from doing something for yourself or your family… something that you really want… just because of whatever story you were telling yourself?” — William Lam, UPGRD

For some of us, BUTS become so frequent and concretely fixed that we stop thinking about what we want all together.

Why spend our precious energy thinking about something we inherently believe is unachievable?

Our brains are hard-wired to conserve energy (we’ve all asked someone to pass the remote that was 6 ft. away- am I right?). If your subconscious doesn’t believe that you will do what it takes to “get what you want,” it will convince you to focus on something else.

Your brain might persuade you to catch that next episode of Bridgerton, scroll through your Instagram feed, or check your email for the 9th time “Just in case” something new popped in since lunch.

This is how we live passive lives.

It’s also the number one reason we don’t get what we want. That’s right, it has nothing to do with our resources.

We comfortably repeat our behaviors and thought patterns sun down and sun up.

It’s predictable.

It’s what we “know.”

According to Dr. Fred Luskin of Stanford University, a human being has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day — and 90% of these are repetitive!

